Choosing Guardian View Technology Gh Ltd. for your electric fencing installation is the best choice a person or an institution can ever make in ensuring they are safe to go about their business without having to think much about burglers.
Choosing Guardian View Technology Gh Ltd. for your electric fencing installation is the best choice a person or an institution can ever make in ensuring they are safe to go about their business without having to think much about burglers. Our standard IDHSA 8 and 10 lines offers you 90% and 100% wall protection respectively. Their unique designs make sure your security is hardly breached.
Our standard entry level energizer in the NEMTEK DRUID 13, 15 to 18 provides far superior power, responsiveness and options than the NEMTEK MERLIN 4 which is mostly sold on the Ghanaian market. To ensure efficiency, we offer standard aluminium tension and components to ensure longevity and high tension power.
Most items used in our electric fencing installations are mostly exclusive and can hardly be found on the Ghanaian market. This is because we import the best and latest technology from NEMTEK to ensure up to date security. This makes sure we import the best and professional materials that can resist any unlawful intrusion which in-turn offers our customers with the needed peace of mind and higher satisfaction.
This is something most of our competitors in Ghana have failed to do or advanced themselves to the modern demands of electric fence installation and intruder tactics. We keep advancing to ensure our customers are fully secured. Our satisfaction is derived from our customers safety. Security is security when criminals have little or no idea about it. Our periodic innovative ideas help set us apart from the rest.